Tag Archives: Film

The Netflix Recommendation: Bill Cosby is a God

For a while there, I was thinking that I wouldn’t be able to continue this series as Netflix had apparently given up on me.  In fact, I can still say that, as Netflix only recommends to me around 30 titles (most of which I have no interest in), but that’s still better than when it was at about 6 titles a few months ago.  However, while I have more recommendations, they’ve veered-off from weird to the totally absurd.  And so, we have today’s recommendation.

The Recommendation: Jesus of Nazareth

Because I enjoyed: Bill Cosby: Himself


See, simply recommending a documentary on Jesus to me is silly to begin with.  I’m a proud atheist-leaning agnostic, and am allergic to almost all things Jesus.  But what makes this recommendation legendary, is that it was recommended to me because I liked a film of Bill Cosby stand-up.  Did I miss something?  Did Cosby recently declare himself the new Messiah?  Does Netflix know something I don’t?  Should I be worshipping at the altar of Huxtable?

I guess it’s time to start a new religion.  I’ll have to quit my job and start writing the Gospel of Cosby.  I wonder if I can become one of Cosby’s apostle.  From now on, call me Theo.


The Netflix Recommendation: Netflix Has Given Up

The Recommendation:  Victor Borge’s Funniest Moments

Because I Enjoyed:  Mister Roberts, Much Ado About Nothing, The Odd Couple

Well, this is a bit that died almost before it started.  When I said Netflix didn’t know what to do with me, I thought I was exaggerating.  It turns out, Netflix truly has no clue.  Under the “Movies You’ll Love” tab (actually, it doesn’t say “Love,” instead there’s a heart.  Seriously Netflix, what the hell?) it only recommends ten movies.  Ten movies.  Netflix advertises that it has over 90,000 titles, and out of that, it can only recommend ten.  It turns out, apparently, that after rating over 800 movies, the Netflix rating system has thrown up its hands and has given up.  If you ignore the stand-up comedy DVDs, there are only six actual movie recommendations left.

Netflix seems to have the same problem with stand-up as it did with TV: if I like any particular stand-up videos, it recommends almost all of them.  Unfortunately, like TV, I don’t rent, and therefore rate, videos from comedians I know I hate.  As such, in Netflix’s eyes, I like all stand-up.

As for the movies, honestly, the ones that are left just don’t like they’re anything I would ever be interested in.  Hang ‘Em High?  I really dislike Westerns, and I’ve learned that I dislike anything Eastwood touches.

But what signals the system’s frustration more than anything, on the main page it has actually stopped recommending things for me.  Instead of saying, “Because You Enjoyed X” it says “If You Enjoyed X.”  That’s right, even though I’m signing into my account, it has decided just to randomly recommend things.  To give you a for instance, it’s actually now saying that if I enjoyed Saw, I might enjoy Saw IV.  Now, I’ll spare Netflix the “duh” here, but with all my ratings, it thinks I’ll rater Saw a 2 1/2 (a fairly awful rating for Netflix).  So it knows that I won’t enjoy Saw, let alone Saw IV.

Anyway, all that’s to bring me to today’s recommendation.  At first blush, I was taken aback by it.  Because I liked Much Ado About Nothing, a Shakespeare comedy (and it’s actually comic at that, unlike most of his comedies), Mister Roberts, a classic Henry Fonda comedy (which I honestly don’t remember liking that much, but I apparently gave it four stars), and The Odd Couple, no description necessary, I’ll enjoy Victor Borge’s Funniest Moments

Now hold on a second, I thought, because of those classic comedies, Netflix thinks I’ll like the pianist comedian who makes up really dorky political songs full of puns?!  The one which Phil Hartman did a great parody of in one of the best episodes of the great series Newsradio?


Note: I would  have embedded, but it has been disabled by the host.

And for good measure, the funniest bit of the show (which immediately follows the preceding clip).


That guy?  And then I realized, it’s not Victor Borge who does the political songs, it’s Mark Russell!  Victor Borge can actually be rather amusing sometimes.  That’s too bad, I thought, since I no longer have an excuse to include Newsradio clips in this post…

But yeah, given the fact that I enjoyed those movies, it is plausible that I would enjoy a Victor Borge best of. 

Although, how a Shakespearean comedy relates to a piano comedian is beyond me.
